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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Yay!! New post once agn.. lol when was the last time i actually blogged?? Aug 2008?? WOW.. more than 1/2 a yr have passed. Many things have happened ranging from the fun ones, enjoyable ones, all the way to those that actually managed to make me feel down!! HAHA!!

Now i know what people mean when they say you'll somehow feel emo when u go for your BMT. Some people feel sad because they're going botak, others because people miss their homes, etc. Ask me if i ever cried in BMT, LOL though its abit shameful but i'd say yes to that qn. Don't ask me y! It jus came when i was slping some night of some day =X

Anyway enlistment was on the 24th of October 2008 which means yea.. Birthday in the army 6 days after enlistment. Which was a lucky normal day with no mates of mine on top of me doing "stunts" in BMT.. lol. But hey! Just after 3 days in the army i got the chance to book out already thanks to Deepavali (How ironic if u ask me. I'm not gonna say what i meant by ironic =P)

Since the BMT times till now, I've made quite a number of friends, some close and some erm.. normal friends?? (I'm sorry i just cant think of a better word to replace NORMAL friends). I even have close friends who are S-CLASS MUTANTS!!! XD you know who your are ^^ CHARGING MAH LAZERZ.. I'M A PRINCESS~ are just a few examples of mutant talents displayed =P

And all these actually made me wonder whether I've actually enjoyed NS. Thanks to NS too, I've seen people who scratch their head and touch their chests while farting like nobody's business, poeple who drink muddy water because they're thirsty, people who flare their nostrils every single time while talking, people who are very very selfish and only dream about staging singing concerts that will not materialize.. TRUST ME!!

Oh Well, the list can keep going on and on and on....... It'll never end ^^ YES!! And how can i ever 4get, they showed me the true meaning of bee hoon and lemon barley (OMG u guys wun wanna know what it actually means). Then again its so funny that i just cant stop smiling and laughing to myself while typing this.

This is specially to those people who enlisted on the 24th october 2008. I've put a countdown timer to ORD date so as to make me feel err better when i c the days get lesser n lesser? Its abit demoralizing now but as time passes, i believe it'll look much much more pretty =)

shattered`* 8:35 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Starting time: 19 30

Name: Junze
Sisters: -
Brothers: 1
Shoe Size: 9-10
Height: 178
Where do you live: Sengkang

Favourite drinks: Ice Milo, Soya Bean
Favourite breakfast: Continental breakfast
Have you ever been on a plane?: Nah (I'm a loyal singaporean.. I love sg)
Swam in the ocean: Nope
Fallen asleep at school: Hmm.. I don't wanna lie.. so it'll b Yes, loads of times
Broken someone’s heart: I'm not sure u know.. Got to ask others =X
Fell off your chair: Mm hmm.. no denying it =P
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: This is stupid.. HU DOES IT??!! XD
What is your room like: quite neat, not counting whats in the drawers Haha..
What’s right beside you: A sofa
What is the last thing you ate: Rice with chicken, nuggets and green leafy vegetables(yea u heard me)
Ever had...
chicken pox: Yes, when i was 11
Sore throat: Millions of times -.- (research has shown that by sniffing in salt water the size of short glass.. the kind where u get in pubs.. every morning u wouldn't get sore throats)
Stitches: Yup, at the back of my head
Broken nose: Nope
Do you believe in love at first sight: Thats T-O-T-A-L-L-Y bullshit if u ask me
Like picnics: Not reali
Who was, were the last person you danced with: Hmm it was sumtime ago.. ok quite a long time ago
Last made you smile: Dear's pic ^^
You last yelled at: my colleague, but not very loud though =X

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Nah.. ( i want too but i cant.. i have to avoid my boss's beady eyes)
Kissed anyone: Nope (wish i could kiss her too >.<)
Get sick: CHOI!!! OF COS NOT!!
Talk to an ex: No
Miss someone: Of cos..
Eat: I would be starving mad now if i hadn't eaten
Best feeling in the world: When i'm together with Dear~, makes me feel like i'm on cloud 9
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I did when i was a little kid
What’s under your bed: Dust and dirt
Who do you really hate: Ok this is gonna feel wierd... but yea here goes.... People who masturbates in my presence.. Esp those who looks at me while doing that.. I had enuf of it! ENUF!!
What time is it now?: 20 29

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Trying to get thru primary 4
2. Playing and running around after skool
3. Getting into trouble everywhere
4. Going for workshops without paying the fees for it
5. Telling lies?? lol

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Wake up on time to go for work
2. Avoid getting told off by beady-eyed boss for slacking
3. Steaming up food for dinner
4. Guide my bro thru his comprehension
5. Call Dear later~ if she's not busy ^^

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolates
2. Potato chips
3. Cookies
4. Ice Cream
5. Sweet stuff

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Have a world tour with Dear
2. Migrate wif family & Dear
3. Enjoy life while i can
4. Have a beatiful house and cool car of my own
5. Can't think of anymore

5 of my bad habits:
1. Grumbling
2. Making myself stressed for no apparent reason i can think of
3. Being a worry-wart
4. Being the ultimate lazy ass
5. Sitting in front of a com for long hours playing games

5 places I have lived/stayed a night in:
1. Malaysia
2. Chalet
3. Friend's house
4. Relative's house
5. Camps

5 things I will do after complete what I’m busy with:
1. Bathe
2. Play games
3. Guide my bro thru his compre
4. Call Dear~
5. -Eat supper and sleep =)

shattered`* 7:28 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm blogging agn!!! Haha i tink i surprised every1 with 2 posts within 2wks ya?? XP Ok let me summarise wat happened for my wkend =P


Went to work as usual but reached at around 9 =P late for half an hr!! But no1 actually scolded or told me off of cos ^^ I'M TEH BOSS!!! =X

Worked for most of the morning but totally slacked in the afternoon.. Haha due to the table tennis semi-final whereby Singapore took on South Korea featured live on channel 5. N yea!! Singapore was into the FINAL!! Wohoo!! Our chase for an olympic medal has finally come to an end..

After work i headed to JE where my agency was located to get more timesheets (i ran out of timesheets already for my job) and also to give them the already fgilled up timesheets to get my pay.. As usual when i was in the train it was full.. So i had to stand of cos which i din realize anything was wrongtill i spotted a seat and tried to sit down.. WOW!!! Pain in the right knee with a "click".. WTF?? Turned out i kindof strained my muscle for putting to much pressure on it for the past few days without knowing..

Oh well.. Luckily for me walking was still ok.. So i continued my journey to the agency until i reached there at about 6 30PM to find out that........................ THE AGENCY HAD CLOSED SHOP FOR THAT DAY!!!

Ok just my luck to have my battery almost flat so i decided not to call b4 coming down n this's what happened -.- apparently i tried to test out whether my leg still hurt n turns out i still does which led me to go see a doc and telling Dear & Co. tt i wouldn't be going out already.. So yup.. Next stop was Kovan which the next surprise FOR ME came.........

Friday Opening Hours: 8 30AM to 12 30PM AND 2 00PM to 4 30PM

Wow.. seeing this just pissed me off n i was at a loss of what to do.. Dam... walking around with a semi-useless leg.. going down n up the stairs with a slight limp.. Fortunately it was night and my day couldn't get any worse ^^ that was the only consolation i could think of =( Went home n Dad gave me a bottle of duno snake wat calling me to apply on the knee b4 slping..


Was supposed to go down to ah ma's house today but little did i expect my dear grandparents to be going down to marine parade hence not going down anymore.. The most exciting moment of today was seeing Michael Phelps win his 7th gold medal but not a 7th world record (the only event he didn't get a world record). Seriously i'm a big fan of him.. Just so cool la!! Can't help but envy him =P


Today's sunday.. Michael Phelps... 8th gold medal and 7th world record.. Realli lives up to his nicknames... God of Olympia.. American Dolphin and the list goes on. Later at 7 30 on channel 5 and channel u features Team Singapore taking on Team China in the women's table tennis final. Leg's getting better already.. Will update more on what will happen in the fnal later =) Oh ya.. Sry guys.. was supposed to go out today with u guys.. Hmm mayb sum other time ya?? I promise ill b out the next time ^^

shattered`* 4:03 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sadly to say this time around.. i'm deeply horrified by the fact that after blogging for hmm.. a year?? My post count is only reaching a sum of 40 =( *sobs* Anyways.. in the olympics Michael Phelps got his 5th gold medal yesterday and became ZE GREATEST OLYMPIAN OF ALL TIME with a total of 11 gold medals. Walao i wish i'm the 1 man.. Den every1 shall name me as.. THE GREAT JUNZE!! WAHAHA!! SOUNDS SO PERFECT =X

Now time for my point of this post to be stated.....
Facebook Group: Repeal Polytechnic Students' Rights to University Education!

and to this group, i'm sorry but all i can say is.....


And here's the bullshit they're saying....

We, the Polytechnic students of Singapore, are deeply horrified that people of our kind all across the country are accorded the same rights to a university education as Junior College Students! Every place in a local university given to a Poly Student denies a JC student with mediocre A' Level grades a chance to live up to his/her full potential in University! Our belief is that Poly Students should not be allowed to enter local universities; these places should be reserved for our junior collegiate elite!We must ACT NOW and stop this injustice, that has been carrying on for far too long! We must ACT NOW to correct this anomaly in the education system!Since we as Poly Students are obviously unwelcome by the JC elite in singapore university campuses, we fight to repeal these rights rather than bear anymore of this bigotry. We have decided to save the JC Elite the effort of discriminating us, by DISCRIMINATING OURSELVES!We shall be silent no more and openly acknowledge our treatment as second class citizens! We are Poly students and know our place in society!We embrace mediocrity with open arms!JOIN THIS GROUP NOW to show that you care to remove the last vestiges of this scar on our great land!

Sounds so.......... Dumb.. Yup and here's the site: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6579559691 Haiz.. Cant say anything except that it makes me feel sad that sg even have people like these.. Mayb they're not even poly students to begin with.. Or mayb bcos they cant get into the uni?? If they really can't get into the uni they want.. Oh well.. Guys, I'll b here to console you =D

Ok thats all for todays news =P Which reminds me that its 1 more month to the end of my library job! I'll remember next time not to choose a job so slack all you do is yawn the whole day. But hey! Pay day's coming.. next wk on the 23rd. Yeah and by then i'll b able to spend of stuff like say... re-modding of the psp -.-

Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~
This is my bro's 14th birthday's cake.. Coconut on the outside, Kaya on the inside.

Wow look at this. Beautiful ya?? It's taken somewhere in Japan but i duno exactly which part though. Gosh.. Really wish i had a home like this.

This is a heart shape formed by nature! Nature's love =P its a mangrove in France btw..

shattered`* 2:29 PM


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Nerd

Name: Ho Junze
Age: 21 cum 30th oct 2009
Zodiac - Horoscope: Dragon - Scorpio
School: *confidential*
The owner of this blog is a 100% CHINESE SINGAPOREAN


Being called a NERD
My Dear Dear~
Having fun
Watching movies
Collecting kuku stuff

Countdown Timer

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